
Wedding no. 2

Hi all,

So the past weekend I attended another wedding. This one’s theme was classy – with very simple roses as flowers and a lot of magical fairytale table decorations.


The bride was gorgeous and the groom didn’t look that nervous.



I wore a flower printed dress with a maroon cardigan and maroon pumps.



One more month and I will be on holidays to Japan! Can’t wait!
Are you attending any weddings or what about any upcoming holidays?


Hi all,

While I’m typing this my arms are sooo sore! I did rock climbiing for the first time in my life and I didn’t realise there was so much to know about tying knots and harnessing yourself in. I had a heap of fun and managed to climb to the top of one wall which I felt very accomplished with πŸ˜‰

In Melbourne – Chadstone shopping centre is the largest shopping centre in the whole of the southern hemisphere. They opened up a new store named Muji which is from Japan. They have a lot of basics and house hold items and stationary. Prices are also very comparable to Muji’s around the world.


Also I took advantage of all the pre-xmas sales to purchase a polaroid πŸ™‚ Polaroids are fun for those moments that you want an instant memory that is printed out!


I will be heading off to Brisbane on Xmas day for five days πŸ™‚ Looking forward to some chill time.

What are your plans?

Have a great weekend!

Cloudy with a chance of dessert

Hi all,

I have been home all week due to this contagious virus I have gotten. Don’t worry it can’t be transmitted through the network so you are safe!
So I have had a chance to catch up on a LOT of sleep and pot around the house. But I’m the type of person who can’t be couped up in bed too long before I get bored out of my brains so what better way to make the most of my time then to do some blogging πŸ™‚ It’s actually coming up to my 2nd year blogiversary! I can’t believe I have actually kept up this blog for 2 years now! It’s a crazy wonder πŸ™‚


This is a pic I took of yesterday while I was getting a dose of Vitamin D! Clouds look so pretty πŸ™‚


Last week ( while I wasn’t sick) My friend and I ordered this dessert πŸ™‚ Looks yum in a cup right? Ice cream with red bean and ice and wafers πŸ™‚ Soo good!!

Well I hope you all are safe and well and keep the fluids up so you don’t get sick πŸ™‚


Hi all,

What a beautiful day it is today. I even managed to scramble in a walk/jog this morning and saw this cute turtle out near a pond.

I have been on instagram for a while (katatak99) if you want to add me and I have been following these photoaday challenges.

See here for one’s I did in the past.

This month’s list is here if you want to participate:

All you need to do is upload your image and then add the hashtag #fmsphotoaday

An example of one of my pics : Day 9. Small Rocking horse – saw in a shop window!

Happy snapping! and let me know if you are on instagram πŸ™‚Β 



New phone

Hi all,

I’m super excited to finally get a smart phone! I’ve been holding off on one for ages but now that I have one I can’t stop using it πŸ™‚

Makes blogging so much easier and instagramming and pinteresting! haha

Any recommendations on apps are appreciated πŸ™‚

Snapshot week (2)

Hi all,

Another week has flown by and the weather has been erratic. Truly Melbourne had 4 seasons in one day. Β So time for another snapshot week…


Scarves I have been using this week πŸ™‚ – Polka dot, Leopard and Flowers


My friend gave me a sample to try out Dr Lewinns foundation and primer πŸ™‚ So far so good πŸ™‚ and the color suits my skintone.



Some Melbourne architecture and a tram – I know some countries don’t have these πŸ™‚

A quiche I made πŸ™‚ Very quick to make and super tasty – all you need is puff pastry, egg and vegetables of your choice πŸ™‚


A purple truck – Thought it was quite cool and this overgrown tree πŸ™‚


Still loving these Essie nail polishes! Though haven’t had much chance to use them with my magnetic nail polish obsession πŸ™‚

How has your week been? Hectic? Plans for the weekend?


Snapshot week

Hi all,

I have decided to do a snapshot entry each week to let me just show pics I have taken through out the week.

My Bunny named Sashimi πŸ™‚

Flower in my garden

Neighbour’s lemon tree

I also recently bought the book :

I have seen the movie but I’m sure that the book will be better (as it normally always is)

Hope you’re all enjoying your weekend!